Introducing DEX-EE the most robust dexterous robot hand on the market.
A transformational advance in machine learning robots.

A transformational advance in machine learning robots.
The Shadow Robot company has developed a new robot hand in collaboration with Google DeepMind to meet the needs of their real-world machine-learning projects.
Now available for purchase, DEX-EE is an ideal hardware platform for dexterous manipulation research. Delivering dynamic and controlled motion in a robust and reliable package, enabling long-running experiments without interruptions due to hardware failure.
DEX-EE’s high-speed sensor networks provide rich sensor data, including position, force and inertial measurement, as well as hundreds of channels of tactile sensing per finger. Shadow’s groundbreaking fingertip sensors offer hundreds of taxels each, with a massive dynamic range.
High bandwidth torque and position control loops give delicate and precise fingertip dexterity
Torque and inertial measurement throughout makes the whole hand sensitive to interactions with its environment
Stereo camera-based fingertip tactile sensors provide an unprecedented level of 3D interaction detail in a robust package
Multi-taxel, 3 DOF tactile sensors on middle and proximal phalanges give additional information during grasping and manipulation
Easy for users to maintain with minimal training and designed to reduce instances of failure and downtime, with fail-safes and a graceful shutdown routine.
Fully ROS integrated for use as a research and development tool.
Designed to reliably meet the needs of long-running reinforcement learning experiments
Long mean time to failure and reduced time for repair, resulting in high availability
Resistant against repeated impacts from its environment and aggressive use from an untrained policy.
We’ve worked with OpenAI, founded by business tycoons, Elon Musk and Sam Altman to advance research within AI and machine learning using the Shadow Dexterous Hand.
HBP and Maastricht University successfully integrate and simulate the Shadow Hand on the HBP Neurorobotics Platform which connects a physics simulator to a variety of neural networks (or brains).
Google Brain used the Shadow Hand to learn how to manipulate multiple objects using just a few hours of real-world data.
Shadow works with our customers long term to provide support and engineering services, and collaborate on development.
Developing DEX-EE has opened up significant technological advances and specialist knowledge which can be leveraged in a wide range of academic and applied research contexts.
Our consultancy service can help you identify what works for your project.