Our Head of Production visits Kenyan charity that needs your support
May 16, 2018
From Monday to Friday on a normal week, I’m the Head of Production at the Shadow Robot Company, and I also head up Shadow Robot España – our office out in Madrid. On an average day, I go to work, see friends and family, head back home to eat, sleep and rest. I feel really privileged to have my job, my home and family, and I felt like I wanted to contribute to help other people.
So in November 2017, I travelled to Kenya to work in two different slums in Nairobi, to see first hand how people really live and to offer my help. I linked up with Community Transformers, a charity that supports people living with HIV/AIDS and nurtures vulnerable children, helping them to transition into responsible adults.
The organisation was founded in 2005 by Nicholas Omondi and Charles Alulu in support of the less fortunate in the Mathare slums in Nairobi. Community Transformers currently provide basic needs to 270 orphans and vulnerable children, as well as supporting 350 people living with HIV/AIDS.
During my time in Nairobi, I worked in an orphanage and a school. The children were amazing – despite the challenges they faced, they approached life with a smile and found ways to cope and grow. It was a joy to work with these children, and I thank them for allowing me to spend time with them. I also send my thanks to Community Transformers for facilitating my trip – I will definitely come back very soon.
Despite the incredible work that Community Transformers does, it is in desperate need of funding. To find out more about the charity, have a look at their Facebook page, and if you’re able to donate, please visit their website here.