Company News

Find us at ROSCON and IROS this month

It’s that time of year again – we’re heading to ROSCON 2017! ROSCON is a chance for ROS developers of all levels, beginner to expert, to spend an extraordinary two days learning from and networking with the ROS community, from 21st – 22nd September.

ROSCON is a developers conference, in the model of PyCon and BoostCon. Following the success of the past five annual ROSCONs, this year’s ROSCON will be held in Vancouver, Canada. Similar to previous years, the two-day program will comprise technical talks and tutorials that will introduce you to new tools and libraries, as well as teach you more about the ones you already know. Our Chief Technical Architect, Ugo Cupcic, will be giving a talk at the event about the Smart Grasping Sandbox (catch it on 22nd September at 5.05pm).

After ROSCON, we’ll saunter over to IROS 2017 – the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, also being held in Vancouver – from 24th–28th September. The theme of this year’s conference is “Friendly People, Friendly Robots” – which sounds lovely. Robots and humans are becoming increasingly integrated into various application domains – the collaborative partnership of humans and robots gives rise to new technological challenges and significant research opportunities in developing friendly robots that can work effectively with, for, and around people. We’re exhibiting at the event, so make sure you come along to stand 125 and have a chat with our team about what we’re up to!

If you’d like to get in touch to arrange a meeting at ROSCON or IROS, contact us here.
